Caja Rural de Soria
Customer Service
Customer Service
By Phone
91 334 67 80 | 900 822 670. Monday to Sunday: 24 hours. -
Find your nearest branch and make your inquiries in person.
Offices and cashiers →
Suggestions mailbox
At Caja Rural de Soria, we are interested in our clients' opinions; if you want to make any suggestions or comments, please do so in the following mailbox:
Complaints and Claims
The entity has the obligation to attend and resolve the complaints and claims presented by its clients within two months of their filing with customer service.
Caja Rural de Soria
C/ Diputación, nº1, 42002, Soria
Telephone number: 91 334 67 80 | 900 822 670
Monday to Sunday: 24 hours.
Complaints and claims mailbox:
More information:
If the solution offered is not satisfactory or a period of two months has elapsed since the submission of your letter without having received a response, the client may submit their complaints and claims, as appropriate, to:
The Claims Service of the Bank of Spain, Alcalá, 48 - 28014 Madrid, tfnº 901 545 400, o través de su oficina virtual:
The Investor Assistance Office of the National Securities Market Commission, Edison, 4 - 28006 Madrid, tfnº 902 149 200, o través de su página WEB:
The Claims Service of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds, Pº de la Castellana, 44 - 28046 Madrid, o a través de su oficina virtual:
Forms presentation of claims before the claims services:
Before the Bank of Spain:
Complaints-complaints form -
Before the National Securities Market Commission
Individual claims:
Claim form -
Reclamaciones colectivas:
Claim form
Before the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds:
Complaints-complaints form before the DGSyFP
Before using these services, regulations require clients to provide proof they used customer service.